Dharma Vijaya Sri Lanka Tsunami Relief Fund
   Rebuilding Sri Lanka, One Home at a Time
With your generous support, our goal is to help build homes. Over 1.5 million people in Sri Lanka were left homeless by the disaster. As other organizations successfully address immediate needs of the region, our long-term focus is to aid in the restoration of lives and communities devastated by the tsunami. In addition, Sri Lankan government has pledged their support for this program.
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Groundbreaking ceremony photos
49th Day Memorial Service
Photos of Houses
Some Donors
Tsunami housing project
Total Collected: over $259,000.00 (US)
I am only one,
But I am still one.
I cannot do everything,
But I can still do something;
And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
           -Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909)
Donate now to support the Sri Lanka Tsunami Relief Fund.

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Dharma Vijaya Buddhist Vihara is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Your financial contributions are tax-deductible.